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Articles for Ambient science will be accepted in four different categories; i) Research articles- 2500-3000 words, including tables, ii) Review articles- 2500-4500 words, including tables, iii) General (Scientific) articles- 2500-4500 words, including tables, iv) Ambient analysis- 2500-2500 words, including tables, v) Notes on Nature- 1000-1500 words, including tables, vi) Perspectives- upto 1000 words.
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Biswas J. (1992): Influence of epigean environmental stress on a subterranean cave ecosystem: Kotumsar. Biome. 5(1); 39-43 (ISSN: 0970-7581)
Ruedi M, Biswas M, Chachula O, & Arbenz T (2013): A winter survey of bats from the Jaintia Hills with a synopsis of their diversity in Meghalaya. In: ed. - Thomas Anbrez, “Cave pearls of Meghalaya (Vol.-1). Publisher: British Cave Research Organization.
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